Nomination Eisvogel Award for the most sustainable production 2022/2023 for
Crime Scene Cologne: Pyramid
For this production, Bavaria Fiction used the “Green Toolkit” for balancing and analysis in order to query relevant consumption and expected CO2 emissions within the individual trades in advance. This enabled the heads of department to create their own CO2 target balancing, so that the planned consumption of the respective trades could be highlighted at an early stage of pre-production.
“Using a tool like this creates awareness among the team members. They can see their own consumption immediately and the figures become more tangible, which results in more mindful and reflective action. Team members can also track the success of greener production and contribute to improving the green workflow.”
Tobias Wolf, Sustainability Manager
More about Crime Scene Cologne: Pyramid and Green Prodcuing
The use of this tool made it possible to address the hotspots in the preparation phase and highlight any cost savings. The CO2 savings were also already displayed. This gave Bavaria Fiction’s Sustainability Manager the opportunity to find out about the status and current CO2 calculation of the project by logging in as an observer. The “Green Toolkit” was developed by Green Consultant Roman Russo, the winner of the Eisvogel Award for Sustainable Film Productions 2022. Roman Russo supervised Tatort Köln: Pyramide as a freelance Green Consultant for Bavaria Fiction.
http://eisvogel-filmpreis.de/en/award-ceremony/#nominated-productions-2023: Nomination Eisvogel Award for the most sustainable production 2023 Tatort Köln