The Green Toolkit is a Software Tool for tracking live Co2e emissions Documentation informing your Crew Green Producing Eco-Reporting

A Streamlined Software Solution for Green Producing.

Your production and event work will become more efficient and environmentally friendly.

Its not easy being green, but its worth all efforts

Dashboard english

Project comprehensive dashboard to maintain an overview in all situations.

Project comprehensive dashboard to maintain an overview in all situations.

Receive information material on green suppliers and measures directly in the Green Toolkit Software.

Required green reporting becomes child’s play. Full digital integration of the most important final reports. worldwide

user English profile

Each crew member is given individual operability and access, while data protection is always guaranteed.

co2e entry worldwide

Easy Data Collection without being logged in to the Software. Live CO2e Emissions Tracking. Worldwide certified Sources.

The GreenToolkit

is making a significant contribution to the sustainable transformation of the film industry through its innovation in the field of climate and environmental protection and, above all, with regard to the uniform, nationwide ecological standards. The first Iso-14067 based on a movie was awarded with the second Eisvogel Award for the most sustainable Production in 2024 at the Federal Ministry for the Environment.

Dashboard gwk

The result is a broad and differentiated database that can be analyzed. The benchmarking that this makes possible means that it is possible to switch from activity-driven to target-value-driven requirement systems.

This gives everyone involved greater flexibility in implementing their own sustainability efforts. The achievement of sustainability goals can be objectively verified. And feasible!

There are equal opportunities for use for all stakeholder groups and significantly supports their cooperation. The attractiveness of the tool can, for example, increase the number of users even further beyond mandatory use as part of a funding or award system.

Access level: With appropriate access options for the film promoters to the data behind the computer, a continuous paperless flow of information is established here in compliance with the necessary data protection and access rules.

Project history

It also enables the required level of detail in the tiered documentation and verification system proposed by the Ökopol Institute. The system also enables easy and time-saving access to internal documentation and the associated receipts from external service providers.

This strict documentation, monitoring, logging and role system ensures that data protection is maintained and that the knowledge gained from the data in the system grows continuously.

Revolutionize sustainability
in your work! Use the Green Toolkit Software.

Whether production, event or festival – we have the right tool to hand. Interested? More info at